I hope you are all having a wonderful Holiday. I hope you are surrounded by loved ones and enjoying this wonderful time of the year. Here are a few of our highlights!
Making Gingerbread Cookies!
We once again made it to temple square for my birthday, we also enjoyed a yummy lunch, and a fun movie(Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Trauder), but we really enjoyed watching the nativity on the front row at temple square!

Madee loved putting up the Nativity at home again this year! We also have two small ones for our coffee table, once again every time I walk into the living room I can see that the kids have been playing with them!

Choir concerts and band concerts! I love seeing my kids share their talents! This year will forever stick in our minds since Madee passed out during her second show of the day last friday. She hit her little face on the hard floor, bruised her nose and eye...I think she is enjoying the fame a tiny bit...but is happy to be all better!
We are so grateful for good friends and family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!