Today is Madelyn's birthday! She is 8 today, she is 1 in this pic. Rylee will be 1 in 4 weeks. Where does the time go! I love my kids birthdays and the memories that come with them. I feel so blessed to be a mother. Each of my kids are so different. I love their individual personalities! Madee is a great girl, a great daughter, a sweet little friend, a great big sister and a spit fire! This morning she crawled into my bed and said "I'm not 7 anymore, dad said you still look and feel 7", she said "ya but I'm growing on the inside." We love our little Madee! Happy Birthday Madee!
Today we have a birthday kid at our house too! He is 13! Agreed that each child is SOOOOO different! Have a fun day :).
Aren't kids wonderful! Happy Birthday Madee! 8 years old must mean that you will have a baptism coming up!!
Wow. Time goes by so fast. I can't believe my oldest is 13 and my baby is 8! BUT, how fun to have some girls and get their nails done....something I won't get to experience but I do "borrow" friend's girls from time to time. Love the 1-year-old picture! Too cute.
What a cute picture of Madee! I hope she had a good birthday!
P.S. Let me know if we're going to scrapbook this week, I have tons to do!
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